Wow, and just like that raraPR turns ten.
This is a coming of age, life, milestone memory and simply by reading this, liking or commenting on one of our posts, sending us a beautiful DM, signing up to our newsletter or to our services or buying a product online YOU. ARE. PART OF IT.
raraPR is the sum of all people who together help build brands and share stories. We are present in our determination to make a positive difference to the world by representing individuals and businesses doing good. We are an extension of the personal stories within us, those that we exist for and those within you that need to be heard.
And you are co-creating it. Thank you for being here.
That’s right. Back in May 2011 raraPR swung open its electronic and virtual doors in a tiny, rented bedroom in the suburbs of Melbourne and opened to the world for business.
raraPR was created for one reason and one reason only.
To make PR accessible.
To democratise PR. To diversify the stories we hear, see and watch and to centre it all on kindness, connection, community, inclusion and mentorship. Things I was desperately seeking in this industry but hadn’t yet found.
At raraPR we put our PR powers to conscious consumerism as much as possible and lead big and small organisations to doing better so that people and the planet come before profit.
We work hard on uplifting the brilliance in ourselves and each other while having fun and listening to good music along the way. This is raraPR then. And this is raraPR now.
We’ve challenged the need to have a fancy postcode and posh boardroom table in the pursuit of good wellbeing yet still generate impact on an international scale, debunking the myth that polished is the epitome of PR perfection and professionalism. Working from home was our shtick. Long before WFH was thrust into the common vernacular or 2020 speech. Early adopters, that’s us.
Everything we are, is everything we’re not. (fluff and bubble, no)
Whether the business is big, small or somewhere in-between; our mission is to always lead them to do better and to help them more easily reach the people who need what they’ve got; to amplify goodness. Because brands have the power and in brands we trust.
Words by Jade Roberts
raraPR Founder and Creative Director
raraPR is above all the sum of people who together help build brands and share stories. We are present in our determination to make a positive difference to the world by representing individuals and businesses that are doing good. We are an extension of the personal stories within us, those that we exist for and those within you that need to be heard.