People choose to join brands because of what it says about them.
We choose one brand over another now because of how that brand aligns with our personal beliefs.
To PR anything well is to clearly communicate the brand values front and centre.
If a business’s content is all about the sell, all about the take and all about the ‘look at what I’m doing now,’ it is PRing aspiration and hoping that inspiration will be enough.
But there are changes in the winds. And as consumers we want more than inspiration; that more often than not leaves us feeling depleted, or with feelings of not being enough.
We join brands because of what they say about us. Because they are uplifting. Because they believe what we believe.
Their values become our values and by supporting that brand we are supporting our own personal ethos and contributing to something greater than ourselves.
“If I buy this t-shirt what does it say about me?”
“If I buy coffee from this café what does that say about me?”
You can buy t-shirts and coffee from a gazillion suppliers. But you’ll probably choose to buy from the businesses that have values front and centre over the one that ones don’t.
“Yes please, I’ll take the organic cotton tee with a side of body diversity campaign imagery, and publicly declared sustainable targets”. And I’ll buy the coffee from the kind, vegan café who supports local artists.”
We make these types of choices daily, consciously and subconsciously; guided by our personal values.
The values of a business must be clearly identifiable to the ideal customer (to anyone!) so that the audience can make a choice if they want to join that brand or not.
Remember; the customer owns and drives brand loyalty for a business because of shared values and because of what shopping with that business says about them.
Is what your business stands for clear to your audience? Communicating with your values front and centre; THIS IS PR.
raraPR is above all the sum of people who together help build brands and share stories. We are present in our determination to make a positive difference to the world by representing individuals and businesses that are doing good. We are an extension of the personal stories within us, those that we exist for and those within you that need to be heard.
If you need help discovering your core brand values, we’ve got your back HERE. Also, be sure to browse our limited edition FREEBIES where we drop free PR goods for you always and forever.

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