DIY PR It’s a thing, it’s a trend. Are you and your business on board?
For three notable reasons DIY PR is on the rise. Actually make that four. The fourth, how could I forget the fourth! That one is an important cornerstone to this trend moving on up in the world.
HOW PR WORKS: What if my business is too cool for PR?
If you’re living in the ye-oldie, text book years of what defines PR (publicity, front centre, me, myself and my ego is as much press as possible) then yes, your perception of what PR actually is, is probably a little bit NQR.
Social Media is a Powerful PR Tool.
raraPR was built on the idea that PR and social media are not mutually exclusive.
Small is Beautiful. Celebrating Ten: Part 2.
Part 2: Celebrating TEN is the greatest opportunity to escape the restraints of what a professional PR business should look and sound like. raraPR was never meant to be like all the others. EVER.
Small is Beautiful. Celebrating Ten: Part 1
Small is Beautiful. Celebrating Ten: Part 1. Wow, and just like that raraPR turns ten.
HOW PR WORKS: The most important ingredient to good PR.
Yep, this is more important than a great product, service, experience or logo.
How to Find Your Ideal Customer
The people who have been waiting for you and your business are out there, you just need to find them.
You Need to Know This Before you Pitch to Media
If media relations is a tactic in your strategy and you’re in pursuit of publicity, nailing the pitch is important.
This is Why you Can’t Measure PR Accurately with Metrics: PR is a beating heart to a business.
Measuring the value of PR is a topic that pops up a lot. It’s been discussed and distilled for many moons and no doubt moons to come.