The why, what and how of PR explained.
PR is connection through story. PR is reputation management; in the way that if advertising is what you say about yourself (paid controlled message), then PR is what everyone else says about you (share your truth and let the audience decide).
There is no brand without awareness. There is no awareness without PR.
PR can be a hard concept to get your head around. That’s because…
You can’t really see it.
You can’t really measure it.
Evidence of PR efforts can be shown via the tactics executed; but while measuring is attempted; ultimately PR is intangible.
You can’t put a dollar figure on changing someone’s opinion.
You can’t comodify emotion.
You can’t track word-of-mouth that stretches a lifetime and can strike at any moment.
PR is about connecting people through emotion, through stories that engage, enlighten, inform and entertain in ways that will be positively remembered.
How those stories are brought to life and syndicated to the world can manifest in many different ways. Therein lies the confusion. The confusion is in the ‘how do you do it (PR)?’ But the ‘what’ is simple.
PR is not the behemoth that people think it is. PR is the pursuit of getting what you’ve got into the hearts and minds of people who need it most. PR is about finding your people, connecting with them and living happily ever after.
Why does PR exist? This is the WHY of PR.
To help people find their people. So that everyone can live happily ever after.
What is PR? The definition of PR. This is the WHAT of PR.
Forget the ‘Public Relations is the mutual understanding between an organisation and its publics’ type definitions of PR.
This is our version; a heap easier to connect with, understand and repeat. Well we think anyway. PR is the effort to reach the hearts and mind of people who need what you’ve got most. PR connects people with shared values through story using all and any form of communication as a conduit to bring about a deep sense of belonging and ultimately peace. ~ Jade Roberts, Founder raraPR
How is PR done exactly?
It is not the WHY and WHAT that’s hard to understand when it comes to PR. It’s the HOW. And that’s because PR professionals can pretty much wield any tool in the comms trade to reach their client’s outcomes. We’re a dynamic bunch indeed and can pivot from one tactic to another; all centred on communication. Once you know that, PR is an easy concept to understand and explain. Here is a list of some of the HOWs. And of course, not limited to!
This is the HOW of PR.
Art direction
Brand positioning
Brand strategy
Business coaching
Business strategy
Campaign shoots
Content strategy
Consumer events
Content marketing
Crisis and issues management
Digital advertising
Email marketing
Experience marketing
Ghost writing
Graphic design
Influencer marketing
Internal communications
Introduction strategy
Key messaging strategy
Media events
Media liaison
Media strategy
Media training
Meta data copy
Pitch strategy
Point of sale marketing
Product launches
Product shoots
Social media management
Stunts and guerrilla marketing
Talent management
Talent publicity
Talent shoots
Visual merchandising strategy
Visual strategy
Outcomes of PR
Helps you discover your WHY
Clarifies your purpose
Third party endorsement
Enhances your reputation
Increases brand awareness
Raises your profile
Increases awareness followed by growth
Builds on an ignites good relationships
Finds and keeps your audience
Raises morale and improves company culture
Improves communications clarity
Drives demand
Generates publicity
To read about ‘the value of PR’ be sure to drop in on a previous blog about this here.
Words by Jade Roberts
raraPR Founder and Creative Director
raraPR is above all the sum of people who together help build brands and share stories. We are present in our determination to make a positive difference to the world by representing individuals and businesses that are doing good. We are an extension of the personal stories within us, those that we exist for and those within you that need to be heard.